the best tips in ports

port information
We have started the Facebook group Cruise Port Tips for luxury cruisers who want to learn from other cruisers what to do in ports.
In this Facebook group, you can easily post your question about whatever you want to know, cruise port-related.
- Which excursions to book or arrange for yourself
- What are the best restaurants?
- Where to park your car
- Which tours or excursions to book
- Reviews about excursions other cruisers did so you get inspired
- Post your pictures and video’s of visited ports and excursions
- (Cruise) etc. etc.
Post your question or suggestion and you will get lots and lots of very good recommendations within a day.
Join the group, learn, and share!
Aren’t you also curious where your favorite ship is at this moment? Or do you want to know which dock it is located on the morning of your departure? There is an easy way to find out!
Having to spend long hours in an airport without internet access is one of the worst traveling experiences. Luckily, one clever guy came up with a solution to this problem.
Computer security engineer and travel blogger Anil Polat launched an interactive map which offers its users WI-FI passwords of networks in airports all over the world. Also, it’s really simple to use. You just have to click on a specific airport and the information about the available connections instantly pop up. Polat updates this map regularly and it already features more than 130 airports across the globe.
Every Airports Wifi Password Around the World on a Single Map